понедельник, 12 мая 2014 г.

Roman Make-up

Roman women used a great variety of cosmetics, perfumes, hair dyes and make-up including foundation creams, eye-shadow, nail polish, eye liner, rouge and lip colors. The higher the status of the woman the more make-up they wore. The status of the Roman men was reflected in the clothes that they wore such as the toga. However, the clothing styles and fashions of Roman women were relatively simple and unchanging and as women had no special dress that distinguished their status the wealthy women wore expensive make-up together with highly elaborate hairstyles and wigs to proclaim their wealth and status.

Roman Make-up - Make-up artists
As the Roman Hairstyles and the make-up worn by women became more elaborate and an important sign of status it became necessary for slaves to create the latest fashionable hairstyles and make-up. These slaves were highly skilled and valued. The Roman slave hairdressers were called ornatrices who also doubled as make-up artist of wealthy Roman women.

Roman Make-up - Cleansers
The Romans paid great attention to their hygiene and time was spent at the Roman baths which were also used as a place of meeting and socialising. Following their baths Roman women enjoyed applying a form of moisturising cream.
Roman Make-up - Foundation creams
The first application of Roman Make-up consisted of a layer of foundation. This could sometimes be dangerous as the wealthy often favored a white lead paste which was poisonous. Chalk and the orris root was also used to make foundation pastes and a mixture of fat, starch and tin oxide was also used.

Roman Make-up - Rouge and Lip color
The Roman women then applied rouge over the foundation layer of make-up to stain their cheeks. The rouge was also used as lip color to stain their lips as was a lip salve tinted with alkanet root and ochre. The red coloring used by Ancient Roman women in make up was achieved by the use of red ochre. Red ochre is a pigment made from naturally tinted clay - hydrated iron oxide. To prepare the ochre used for make- up the clay was first mined from the ground, washed to separate sand from ochre and then dried in the sun and sometimes burned to enhance the natural red color.рр
Roman Make-up - Eye Shadow and Eyeliner
The Roman women paid special attention to their eye make-up, especially emphasising the eyebrows. The black make-up applied was kohl which was made from galena and used as an eyeliner. Galena is a blue-grey natural mineral form of lead sulphide. Using a cosmetic grinder Kohl was produced from a mixture of soot and galena and stored in containers called kohl pots. Eye shadow was made from saffron. Eye shadow also changed as the Romans conquered different people, such as the Egyptians. The Romans used the green coloring of Ancient Egyptian eye make up which was made from the green pigment called malachite. The malchite stone was crushed and then mixed as the green eye make up.

Roman Make-up - Perfumes and Oils
The Ancient Romans used various perfumes obtained from the fragrances derived from flowers, plants, seeds. They were blended into a cream made from animal fats and oils. Myrrh, frankincense, cardamom and cinnamon was used to mix the exotic perfumes used by Roman women.

Roman Jewelry

No jewelry was more generally worn among the Romans than rings. Propriety demanded that adult male Roman citizens wear only one item of jewelry, although it was eventually acceptable for a man to wear both a ring and a brooch or fastener for his cloak. This was definitely not the case for Roman women who wore a variety of different types of Jewelry and precious stones. Gold coins (aurei) were often made into Roman jewelry.

Roman Jewelry - Precious and Semi-Precious Stones
Roman jewelry was generally made of gold rather than silver and was decorated with a variety of Precious and Semi-Precious Stones. The precious and semi-precious stones used in the making of Roman jewelry included the following:
  • Pearls 
  • Emeralds 
  • Turquoise 
  • Garnets 
  • Carnelian 
  • Chalcedony 
  • Feldspar 
  • Amethyst 

Roman Jewelry - Rings
The most popular piece of Roman Jewelry were rings, but Roman men generally only wore one ring at a time. There were different types of rings including betrothal rings. The senators and equites wore golden rings as did the the legionary tribunes. The plebeians wore iron rings unless when they were presented with a golden one for their bravery in war or as a reward for special services. Under the emperors the right of wearing a golden ring was more liberally conferred and eventually it was granted by Justinian to all citizens.
Roman Jewelry worn by Women
The Ancient Roman women were great lovers of jewelry and adorned themselves with a profusion of trinkets. These included a variety of jewelry including earrings, bracelets, amulets, necklaces, pendants, bracelets, cameos, rings and various types of head jewelry including tiaras, coronets and diadems. Filigree work on Roman jewelry, copied from countries such as Egypt, produced a delicate, lacelike gold which was generally used in buckles and clasps of gold. Gold bracelets were often styled in the form of snakes. Necklaces were produced in all sizes and patterns, many in the form of pendants. Bracelets might consist of plain gold rings, both solid and hollow and were designed for wearing on the wrist. The bracelets were fastened by means of a gold pin.

Roman Jewelry - The Bulla
Roman jewelry was not just made for decorative purposes. Some contained symbols that would provide the wearer with protection and prosperity. Roman boys wore a bulla which was given to them when they were babies. The bulla was a neckchain with a round pouch containing protective amulets, often phallic symbols which emphasised their masculinity. The bulla was made in a variety of metals, the most popular being gold. Some of the sons of wealthy Romans also wore small gold rings carved with a phallus for good luck.

Roman Hairstyles - Wigs, Dyes and Hair Accessories

Cosmetics and hairstyling required mirrors, which were made of highly polished bronze or silver in rectangular or round shapes. Blonde hair was greatly admired by the Romans. Roman women used a form of hair dye to produce the prized blond hair. Grey hair was also dyed using a form of walnut dye. Wigs were common in Ancient Rome which were combed into elaborate hairstyles. Some country slaves had their heads shaven and their hair was used to produce wigs for wealthy Roman women. It was therefore a severe punishment for a town-slave to be sent into the country. Various accessories were used to create elaborate and striking hairstyles. The accessories used to create the elaborate hairstyles were as follows:

  • Perfume was applied to provide pleasant smelling hair 
  • Curling tongs were used to create hairstyles 
  • A variety of different combs and hairbrushes were used 
  • Hairnets were worn made of finely woven gold wires 
  • Wire supports were used to create hairstyles 
  • Hair pins were used to create hairstyles 
  • Ribbons were used to enhance hairstyles 
  • Garlands of flowers 
  • Precious jewels were thread into the hair and jewels were featured in tiaras and head dresses 
  • Gold and pearls were also popular as hair accessories and to create intricate hairstyles

Roman Hairstyles

Roman Hairstyles for Women
Roman women originally dressed their hair with great simplicity. One of the simplest styles of wearing the hair was allowing it to fall down in tresses behind, and only confining it by a band encircling the head. Another favourite but simple hairstyle was platting the hair, and then fastening it behind with a large pin. Young girls wore their long hair in simple buns tied at the base of the neck or wore their hair in a top knot. Simple hairstyles for married women changed during the reign of the Emperor Augustus when a variety of different and elaborate hairstyles came into fashion. The clothing fashions of Roman women remained relatively simple and unchanging and as women had no special dress that distinguished their status the wealthy women wore luxurious materials, highly elaborate hairstyles, make-up and expensive jewelry. During the rule of the Flavian emperors (69-138 BC) hairstyles were raised to a great height by rows of false curls. This fashion was described by the writer Juvenal as the hairstyles made women appear tall from the front but quite the opposite from the back. The hair of Roman women become elaborately curled. Hairstyles were elaborately arranged in layers. Hairstyles involved hair being twisted, waved and curled. Ringlets were created to create hairstyles which fell to the sides and the backs of the head. Wigs and hair pieces were used to create an illusion of abundant locks. The picture of some hairstyles worn by Roman women are shown below.

Roman Hairstyles for Men

The Roman Hairstyles for men changed over the years. In early times the Romans wore their hair long but after the introduction of barbers into Italy about B.C. 300, it became the practice to wear their hair short. A full head of hair was prized by Roman men and Julius Caesar went to great pains to hide his thinning hair. It is said that of all the honors decreed to Caesar by the senate he was best pleased with that of always wearing a laurel crown, because it covered his baldness, which was considered a deformity. The leading figure during the period of the Roman Empire was of course the Emperor and if he adopted a new hairstyle then this was quickly adopted by other Roman men. The Emperor Nero (54-68 CE) adopted elaborate hairstyles with curls framing his face. Roman curling tongs were used for this purpose. Nero set another fashion in hairstyles and started to wear sideburns. The Emperor Hadrian (117-138 CE) was the first emperor to wear a short beard which then became quite common among Roman men. In his later years the Emperor Constantine wore false hair of various colors which was carefully arranged and perfumed. Wealthy Roman men followed his lead and dyed their hair in a variety of dark and light shades and the wearing of wigs also became fashionable.

среда, 7 мая 2014 г.

Gladiator Sandals

 History of Gladiator Sandals - Roman Footwear
Many of the gladiators fought barefoot but others wore Gladiator Sandals. Absolutely no Roman citizen would appear in public with bare feet. This would indicate dire poverty. Roman citizens wore sandals (soleae) - footwear without toe coverings indoors and shoes or boots (calcei or calceus), footwear with toe coverings with straps which covered the ankles, the calf, or up to the knee, outdoors. Sandals are believed to be the first rigid shoes crafted. A stiff sole was attached to the foot by leather cords, straps, or braided thongs. Sandals were generally the most worn type of footwear in warm climates such as the countries surrounding the Mediterranean - the Roman Empire.

Roman Sandals
There were many different styles of Roman Sandals and these styles depended on the cost. Only the cheapest materials were used for slaves and laborers in the plainest of colors. Only Romans of a high status such as the Patricians would wear red dyed shoes. Roman soldiers who were expected to march for many miles had to have strong shoes which were called caliga. The sole of the caliga was thickly studded with hobnails.

Different Types of Gladiator Sandals

Gladiator Sandals were worn in the arena. The arenas of Ancient Rome were covered with sand, to soak up the blood. It was not strictly necessary for gladiator sandals to be studded with hobnails. It was, however, traditional for many gladiators to wear the armor, clothes and weapons which came from their ethnic backgrounds and in battle re-enactments which were shown in the arena some gladiators would have played the parts of Roman soldiers - so sandals studded with hobnails would have been worn.

Materials used to make Gladiator Sandals - Leather

The materials used to make Gladiator Sandals was predominantly leather. The Ancient Romans were expert in the process of tanning and produced both supple leather which was ideal for making gladiator sandals and tough leather which was used to make protective armor. The Romans used the hide of animals such as a deer or cattle. The thickest and most durable types of leather were used for making the soles of gladiator sandals and remaining weaker leather was used for making the straps.


Gladiators Clothing

History, Facts and Information about Gladiators Clothing
Gladiators in general wore minimal amounts of clothing and almost all of the different types of gladiators fought with bare chests, which the Romans viewed as a symbol of masculine virility. For the sake of modesty they wore a canvas loin cloth, called a subligaculum, which was worn in a variety of colors. Gladiators clothing was finished with sandals although many fought barefoot.

Gladiators Clothing - Expensive Clothing
There were occasions when Gladiators Clothing was more stylish and expensive. It must be remembered that gladiators were paid each time they fought and they were allowed to keep any rewards and purses of money. The most successful gladiators were also treated like modern day 'Pop Idols' with fan worship, fame and glory. Successful gladiators could therefore buy better clothes than was supplied by the Gladiator schools.