среда, 7 мая 2014 г.

Gladiators Clothing

History, Facts and Information about Gladiators Clothing
Gladiators in general wore minimal amounts of clothing and almost all of the different types of gladiators fought with bare chests, which the Romans viewed as a symbol of masculine virility. For the sake of modesty they wore a canvas loin cloth, called a subligaculum, which was worn in a variety of colors. Gladiators clothing was finished with sandals although many fought barefoot.

Gladiators Clothing - Expensive Clothing
There were occasions when Gladiators Clothing was more stylish and expensive. It must be remembered that gladiators were paid each time they fought and they were allowed to keep any rewards and purses of money. The most successful gladiators were also treated like modern day 'Pop Idols' with fan worship, fame and glory. Successful gladiators could therefore buy better clothes than was supplied by the Gladiator schools.

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