понедельник, 12 мая 2014 г.

Roman Hairstyles - Wigs, Dyes and Hair Accessories

Cosmetics and hairstyling required mirrors, which were made of highly polished bronze or silver in rectangular or round shapes. Blonde hair was greatly admired by the Romans. Roman women used a form of hair dye to produce the prized blond hair. Grey hair was also dyed using a form of walnut dye. Wigs were common in Ancient Rome which were combed into elaborate hairstyles. Some country slaves had their heads shaven and their hair was used to produce wigs for wealthy Roman women. It was therefore a severe punishment for a town-slave to be sent into the country. Various accessories were used to create elaborate and striking hairstyles. The accessories used to create the elaborate hairstyles were as follows:

  • Perfume was applied to provide pleasant smelling hair 
  • Curling tongs were used to create hairstyles 
  • A variety of different combs and hairbrushes were used 
  • Hairnets were worn made of finely woven gold wires 
  • Wire supports were used to create hairstyles 
  • Hair pins were used to create hairstyles 
  • Ribbons were used to enhance hairstyles 
  • Garlands of flowers 
  • Precious jewels were thread into the hair and jewels were featured in tiaras and head dresses 
  • Gold and pearls were also popular as hair accessories and to create intricate hairstyles

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